Part 59: Bonus Chapter: Dragoon
Update 34: Bonus Chapter: Dragoon

So here we go, BS Chapter 2. This one gave me some trouble, mostly just because of one dick move towards 3/4ths point.

Palaces score isnt recorded because of the laptop explosion of 2014, but there is only one left after this!

This bandit has existed across time and space, just to be a creep and then get wrecked by protagonists making dramatic entrances. Truly the most important character. Hes not getting a portrait.
Thatfuckinguy: Heh heh heh...Jus come oer ere already.
Some Other Villager: Please, I beg o you, leave her be! Shes me girlfriend!
Thatfuckinguy: Shut yer trap!
SOV: Nngaaah!

ThisOtherGuy: Ehh? You ain't on their side? In that case, I beg o' you! Please drive those foul demons away. They kidnap women, loot everythin', and act like this town's theirs... We just can't keep livin' like this. So, please, you have to help us!

Nobody can use the word cahoots without sounding ridiculous.

Thatfuckinguy: W-what the hell is wrong with you!? Stay outta our way if you value yer life!

Thatfuckinguy: T-these guys... Damn you... We'll remember this!

Its in the text box, buddy.

Budget constraints prevented Wolf and Roshea from actually appearing in this cutscene.

You see Minervas expression there? She knows. Palla will not be coming back this chapter.

I love this line. THATS A LOT OF PLATES

Advice of the damn year.

Alright, the map has begun and immediately Minerva needs to go west. Shes going to be very useful in this chapter.

Heres Wolf, a Horseman who comes in sorta handy, but isnt the best unit here by far. Im having him hit up the Village to grab an item because his movement and range means he can catch up if he falls behind a bit.

Not much in the way of treasure here.

So heres a quick flyover of this map. We start in the top right corner.

These guys are menacing us from the start, and will rush you from turn 1.

Theres a second village here that, if not reached by turn 2, will be destroyed by the Thief. Minerva is up to the task.

The Boss and a few other guys are across this river. This is a Rout map, so all enemies have to die, no cheating and rushing this guy with Minerva and praying for a crit.

More enemies in the middle south portion.

And Frost in the center of the map, with a Physic. Great. You can recruit him very quickly with Minerva, but dont. If hes Blue, the enemies that charge you will want to charge him too, and as a squishy 4 Defense Bishop, thats bad news.

Hardin here is extremely powerful and likely to be the MVP on any run of this map. Hes got two silver weapons in hand, and Im using him to lure the enemies in.

Heres Est. Est is useless. At least she has a Ridersbane I can steal.

Catria is not the unstoppable force she is in our main story run, but shes okay here. Not good. But okay.

Roshea is entirely unremarkable in pretty much every way. Behold, the worlds most generic Cavalier.

One of the fighters breaks off to hit Minerva, killing himself for 6 damage on the Dracoknight.

Meanwhile, Hardin can double this guy. He doesnt last long. He cant double Cavaliers, though, so theyll take a little extra...

Oh, well, never mind.

When turn 2 starts, I have Minerva kill the Thief, who is one step from the Village. You really have no time to lose on this one.

This is our predicament on Turn 2. There are 3 bow wielding units here. If any of them live, theyll one shot Catria or Est. Roshea can kill one of them alone.

The Horseman is a bit bulkier, so Im having Est use her turn to give Hardin the Ridersbane. Shes not doing anything otherwise.

There we go!

I want that Defense as high as possible for something coming up.

Wolf can come down from the village and get this guy really low

Catria shows off with an unnecessary crit and were free of archers for now.

Well, I mean, at least Est can dodge.

Turn 3 and I can finally visit this Village.

This could be handy!

Giving Hardin the Experience here, because hes going to be doing almost all the work.

Now that the northeast part of the map is clear, the next objective is to cross the river. This bridge is the only way for our mounted allies. As I make my way there, though...

Red Guy: Sir, the enemy is fast approachin' this fortress.

Red Guy: Yes sir!

And two fighters and two cavaliers pop out of the castle. Wonderful.

Also they rush you.

Also they come again next turn.

While I wait for the reinforcements to approach the bridge, there are some conversations we can trigger!

This isnt a repeat screenshot, this is wave 3 of these guys. Dont worry, its the last one.

Minerva takes the Energy Drop, because...well, I dont think Hardin really needs it.

On turn 8, were finally ready. Bring on the reinforcements! Hardin is using the bridge as a chokepoint. Wish him luck.


I used the Ridersbane here because the only ones in range this turn were cavaliers.

Wolf passes the Vulnerary to Hardin. That thing is actually pretty damn useful in this map.

And so, the many reinforcements smash themselves against Hardins weapons and give him some nice levels.

This is about the most dangerous itll get for Hardin.

Like that.

Alright, I can Vulnerary Hardin back to 12 HP this turn, but if both those guys hit him, hes still dead.

Wolf is taking up tank duties. Hes way worse at it though.

Oh, and Frost is going to be continually healing these guys.

Okay, time to get Wolf the fuck outta there. 4 Fighters.

If I kill one of them, they wont have enough damage for Minerva.

There was a miss anyway, but Ill take the insurance.

Thats all the reinforcements. I should get Frost, right? No.
I made this mistake on my first try. Recruiting him now will lead some of the enemies from the next group we engage to rush him down and slaughter the poor Bishop. Give it a little more time

So, for these next guys, Hardin will want the Javelin. The Vulnerary is gone now. So, heres what sucks about this group. 2 of these guys are archers, which means Minerva cant tank them. One of the Knights has a ridersbane. All we have are mounted units and fliers. Fuck. Gonna need some luck here.

Javelin pulls the archer, and the chase is on!

Yeah, they all rush you at once. (Frost healed up that archer too.)

Hardin retreats back to the bridge chokepoint.

The archer goes down on counterattacks from Hardins Javelin, but hes getting low...and we have no healing abilities.

And right about now Minerva needs to sneak her way up to Frost.

Hello, this is the dodge that saved the run. Bless this dodge.

Wolf does some good damage to the Ridersbane guy, who surprisingly Frost didnt bother healing. Glad Im not the only one who hates him.

I go with the Ridersbane here because its enough to finish this guy off, but not overkill that would make too many of the Knights hit Hardin before I can heal him.

He survives, but he has little health, and theres not much time left! Tension! Drama!

Oh, never mind, Minervas at Frost now.

Now that we have Frost, I can finally heal Hardin.


Wow. Too little, too late, game.

Im okay with this.

Now youre just taunting me.

Alright, so the last group of enemies is in the upper left, which Im looping around to deal with. Frost and those Vulnerarys are going to get a workout to get everyone back to full HP.

Several turns later, here we go.

Im using Wolf to pull over the Sniper. Thankfully, the Knights dont come with him. This guy does a ton of damage.

Minervas proving her usefulness here.

Time for the ol Jave-Hardin trick.

One down.

Two down.

Hardins gotten a ton of levels this time around.

Just Ruben left.

Rubens dialogue is so good. Why is he such a bit character?

You know...hes...not wrong. Michalis is a douche, Maria is useless, and Minerva isnt the brightest bulb in the box.


Minerva doesnt finish him off, so Ive got to use Wolf here to get him low. I believe its time.


So thats how she learned to do that.

Oh, these guys are still alive? I forgot they were here.

There we go.

Oh hi Palla, nice to see you.

I imagine this in the most deadpan sarcastic voice possible.
Blue Guy: Princess Minerva, please leave the rest to us!

Blue Guy: But, Princess, there's something important... Isn't that knight Hardin of Aurelis?
No, thats Sirius.

Blue Guy: Why, he's the spitting image of the infamous Coyote, leader of the rebel army. Should we capture and interrogate him...?

Blue Guy: But as I said, hes the spitting

Blue Guy: P-pardon me, maam!

Time score is pretty meh, but I was just glad to be done with this one, to be honest.